The space hundreds of miles above the Earth and the space in between atoms is thought to be mostly empty.
The belief in a void space as is thought to be a perceptual error resulting from the frequency-response limitations of physical matter. In principle the concept of "empty space" is thought to be irrational since void should not take up space, nor should it take time to move through nothingness. Astrotometry introduces the conservation of volumetric space wherein all observable space is a plenum.
Matter and energy are described in terms of atomic and subatomic particles.
The matter-energy conservation relationship and the particle wave duality are resolved by more properly treating the results of the Michelson-Morley and "Double Slit" experiments. By reconsidering these experiments in the context of later discoveries such as spin entanglement, matter and energy are recognized as "node patterns" standing in carrier waveforms. All node-patterns rely on their precursory node-patterns as they continue in time and space.
Elemental particles are differentiated by electrical and nuclear forces which create the illusion of solid matter in mostly empty space.
The theoretical lines of electromagnetic and nuclear forces are the consequence of the time-space continuum of node-patterns. These forces are induced by intra-pattern waveform dependencies which alter the node-relative-patterns due to changes in constructive and destructive interference relationships.
The passage of time is thought to be continuous.
Measured strictly from node-relative changes, the standard time variable, "t" is re-qualified as "Earth" time. The movement of a node-pattern's "inductive focus" among instances creates the perception of "Earth time". The carrier relative, inter-node translation time is referred to as hypertime. The absolute inter-node distance between "hypertime translations" is referred to as the hypertime wavelength.
The perceived passage of time "dilates" within reference frames moving at relativistic velocities. Time dilations in relativistic reference frames are undetectable from within the frame.
Since it is not possible for a reference frame to observe the interaction of its node-patterns during translation, the time it takes for translation through hypertime is independent of perceived time, hence the term hypertime. And since the hypertime wavelength is a distance, changes in that distance account for relativistic time phenomenon.
Light and electromagnetic energy travel at a constant speed which is not changed by relative movement of the observer nor the source.
Observable electromagnetic energy is phase-locked with the common carrier waveforms which support it. As the observational mechanism is translated through time within the common carrier, light appears to move as a result of time-space translation interference. Therefore, electromagnetic energy does not move relative to any material which may observe it. And since relative movement always occurs within frequency-dependent relationships, the speed of light appears constant in identical mediums.
Movement through time-space has no direction.
Movement through time-space happens upward and curves through the light which appears to shine down.
There is no known mechanism of gravitational force.
Gravity is the result of hypertime translation upward through the multiple time axes.
Individual movements (quanta) of particles through 3D space are adjacent and determined by the relative velocity of the particle.
The momentary instances of a given node-pattern, as an observational mechanism in its reference-frame, may be separated by astronomical distances.
A particle remains intact throughout its movement through time-space.
Node-patterns are translated through multiple component waveforms which materialize momentarily with super-symmetric spacial perspectives within the Astrotome.
An electron is theorized to "skip" or migrate from hole to hole among atoms.
In Astrotometry this "skipping through space" is referred to as translation through hypertime.
Most scientists ascribe to a "Heliocentric Model" in which the Earth is thought to rotate on it's axis daily and orbit the Sun yearly.
In Astrotometry the Cosmos is considered with "Chronocentric" models which account for perceived movement through space as a consequence of the translation of matter through time-space.
The position and velocity of sub-atomic particles are considered probabilistic in nature.
Node-pattern characteristics are strictly governed by specific hyper-spatial geometric relationships which fold space through multiple time axes, producing seemingly chaotic observations.